Saturday, November 5, 2011

Uh oh, I’ve got a bead problem

I’ve had a pretty good day. My long lost friend Laura came to visit and while she was here she bought some of my mittens. Yeah! Fun seeing Laura. And another yeah! Money to spend on more yarn to make more mittens… or, maybe I could buy some beads.

I found myself out wandering aimlessly so I texted Steph that I was going to buy beads. Knowing I needed an enabler she immediately stepped up to the plate and offered to meet me at the bead store, and as I result I bought these…

I’ll be making a whole lot of Christmas ornaments now. No idea what I’ll do with them, but I will enjoy making them.

I’m liking this make what I like now and figure out what to do with it later thing.


  1. Hey I have some left over beads and stuff from making all those ornaments - I offered it all to Allison but she didn't want it. You are welcome to it if you like!

  2. I'd be happy to take them off your hands, and happy to trade them for an ornament or two, if you like.

  3. Bead stores are dangerous (and where's the Mary Maxim store in TO?) I remember one $80 trip to a store on Queen St. buying beads for my nieces for Christmas -- I'd meant to spend about $25. They each got pint jars full. I love beads, love looking at them and sorting them, but don't really feel compelled to DO anything with them. There's a Michael's store quite close to me, and I worry...

  4. Sorry, that comment's from me, not from Anonymous...

  5. Ooh, Queen Street bead shopping. There may be a field trip in my future.

    The crappy Y&E Lewiscraft was replaced by a surprisingly beautiful Mary Maxim. The have a small sampling of the typical Mary Maxim kits, and have filled the rest of the store with an amazing yarn and bead selection. And, they keep it so much neater than Lewiscraft ever was. It has become a great little store.

    The idea of Michael's fascinates me (since they are always just out of reach of my narrow minded neighbourhood). I can ony imagine it would be a dangerous store to live near. Surely you must need a trip or two to Michael's to create Christmas decorations for your house. You could consider it a house expense that could be added on to your mortgage.

  6. Did someone say field trip?? I have my permission slip signed and ready to go!

  7. Excellent! When you hand in your permission form, please include $3 for bus fare.

  8. I'm thisclose to being a scrapbooker -- I don't want to make scrapbooks but I LOVE the stuff, the papers and ink pads and appliquees -- and Michael's has a lovely selection. There's at least one in Toronto but I never went there -- too far out of my way. I know of at least two here, though, and both far too easy to get to. Excellent idea, adding the stuff to my mortgage...
