Monday, May 21, 2012

Happy Brithday Vicky!

Today is Victoria Day in Canada, where we celebrate the birthday of Queen Victoria. This may well be the oldest federal holiday in Canada, marking the birthday of a woman who has been dead for more than a century. The day is most commonly marked with fireworks – I guess Victoria must have liked fireworks. (I've taken the liberty to call her Vicky, but rumour has it that her friends called her Drina.)

As a family we do not do anything to mark the day, but we do enjoy a long weekend, particularly one with weather as spectacular as this one.

Having done all my chores for the weekend, today is about doing whatever I want. I started the day with a desire to bake. Unfortunately I didn’t have the ingredients for the recipes I desired. I was in the mood for corn muffins, or muffins with fruit, or oatmeal based muffins, but I didn’t have cornmeal, or fruit, or oatmeal, so the best I could do was pull out this recipe…

From the Muffin Mania cookbook that I have had forever.

Here is the result. They made for a lovely breakfast.

Aside from my tiny bit of gardening, this weekend has been about working on the Leftover Blanket and I cast on some socks, using the Gloss yarn that I wound into a ball the other day.

I love long weekends!


  1. Too bad I can't bake you some, but you know those customs people would question the sugar on top of the muffins.
