Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Stay Tuned... Someday I'll Finish Something

I’ve been slower on the updates this month, due mostly  to my day job exhausting me, and the weather being too hot to make much more than a cold drink each night. Every day I do a bit of work on something and think about how I’d like to post it on my blog when it is finished.

Eventually I will finish something, but in the meantime here are the things I wish I was making enough progress on to be blog worthy.

I’m back into beading and this pile of beads and strings is just about to grow up to be a necklace.

I love these new green and turquoise beads and they will be quickly strung as soon as the pink piece is finished.

This month’s mitten project is only a few days from completion, but not ready for prime time blogging yet.

And once those mittens are off the needle, I’m be diving back into the Leftover Blanket and hope to make enough progress on that to warrant a blog update soon.

So, stay tuned and I’ll post a finished item soon (hopefully.)


  1. Take it easy! Your body is telling you to slow down. It's ok and all those projects will still be there for you when you are ready to devote the proper energy to them. Kick back and rest up.


  2. I see you've become an expert on when to rest. :)

    I think that since I get to sit on my butt while I knit, it is kicking back and resting. The problem is when it is well past bedtime and I just can't stop knitting. Just a few more stitches and I'll head to bed.
