Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Distraction of a New Toy

I’m making great progress on my April mittens. I had hoped to finish them by this Sunday, but after the past two days I’m way ahead of schedule and could easily have a finished pair to show you by Thursday. Or at least I could have met that deadline until this arrived…

Yay! I have a new Kindle! How will I possibly knit when I have a new toy to get to know. It is a Kindle Touch which sounds very exciting.

I have a 2nd Generation Kindle that I love (make that loveD) but a couple of weeks ago it froze to death. I know it is Canada, but it wasn’t even cold out when it froze up.Sadly, it was four months older than its warranty.

When it started to freeze, I could usually bring it back to life with some gentle coaxing, but then one day it refused to budge and I lost the fight. Amazon’s customer service was fantastic, but they couldn’t resuscitate it either. In spite of it being out of warranty, they were kind enough to give me a discount on a new one, so I’m a happy Kindle owner again.

I’m sure I’ll still knit some tonight, but only after my Kindle is set up and ready for my morning commute tomorrow. Oh how I’ve missed reading on the subway!

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